Thursday, October 27, 2011
Eliquate at The Joint in West LA...FRIDAY 10/28/2011
Eliquate got another Southern California Show added to their upcoming trip! The legendary West LA Reggae club, The Joint, has kindly opened their doors to let us take part in their Live Reggae Power Party, as the special guests of the night. This is part of their "Free Fridays" so no cover is needed.
The Joint
This Friday. 9/28.
It's Halloween Weekend so come out and have some fun with us in West LA. Costumes? I think so.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24th, 2011: Eliquate in Indigital Studios
Eliquate is in the process of recording a new EP at Indigital Studios. Here's a few shots from Day 3.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Party Rock Cypher (MC Wordplay Birthday Celebration) - Oct. 22nd
We like birthdays. Birthdays are fun.
Eliquate will be headed to S.F. next Saturday, October 22nd, to take part in quite the birthday party. Our good friend MC Wordplay will be bringing his birthday celebration to Club Six for the Party Rock Cypher.
The night will also include...
Armani Cooper
The Midwest Coast
Priceless Da Roc
with DJs Franky Fresh and J-Scrill
The night will be hosted by Esque Coast.
$5 Guestlist until 10:30pm / $10 after
2 for 1 drink specials before 10:30pm
Monday, October 10, 2011
Updates to has a bunch of new updates to the site we wanted to let you know about
Press Materials
New Press Sheet

New Arch Rhythm Press Sheet

Friday, October 21st- The Catalyst Club (Santa Cruz, Ca)
w/ Matt Masih & the Messengers, & My People
($8 Adv./$12 Door) (21+)(8:30pm)
Thursday, October 27th-12+Highland (Manhattan Beach, CA)
(No Cover) (21+)(9:30pm)

Press Materials
New Press Sheet

New Arch Rhythm Press Sheet

2 new upcoming shows Upcoming Shows:
w/ Matt Masih & the Messengers, & My People
($8 Adv./$12 Door) (21+)(8:30pm)

Thursday, October 27th-12+Highland (Manhattan Beach, CA)
(No Cover) (21+)(9:30pm)
New Store
Clothing:New Press Write Up in Santa Cruz Good Times:
And always new LINKS to Bands and Connections
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Eliquate Plays Manhattan Beach, CA
Oct. 27, 2011
12 + Highland
Manhattan Beach, CA
No Cover
Hope to see all you socalians out there.
Costumes are a plus.
*To help Donate to Eliquate please click on the Ads*
Monday, October 3, 2011
Tanner the Manner.
So, there is no nice way of saying this so I’m just going to have to up and say it, Tanner cut his finger off. Now, I know some of you may have some concerns, but let assure of a few things. A: No, this is not a joke. B: It was his pinky (the lame finger) C: It has been reattached and he will be at full strength in 2 to 3 months. D: He will be learning how to play all the songs one handed in 2 to 3 days. If you would like to make a donation to the save Tanner’s finger fund you may click on the adds posted on our website. Every click you make will donate $00.10 to getting tanner drunk enough to forget this whole tragedy.
It pleases me to inform all of you that Tanner is doing much better, though he is due for surgery this Thursday this has not hindered him from doing what needs to be done. He is an inspiration and an all around swell guy, and we thank him for making the best of this trying situation. New songs are in the mix and we look forward to sharing some of this new material with you all soon.
*To help Donate to Eliquate please click on the Ads*
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Eliquate, Rec League along with Cutty Sinclair, & Lee Earl - Thursday, September 22nd @ Milk Bar (SF)
Bring your happy asses out to celebrate with me and anyone else born in September as we begin the Monthly Birthday Bash! Music by San Francisco's own: Rec League along with Cutty Sinclair, Lee Earl and Eliquate. Great Music and Great Times. Come out and enjoy good times with good people at a great club! Hey so I know we have been accustom to playing in some of the not so nice parts of SF, but tonight we get the rare treat of playing on Haight Street at the Milk bar. We have new songs, we will be playing them, as well as tossing a few back with comrades, Rec League, Cutty Sinclaire, and Lee Earl. If you can't make it, I feel sorry for you, get some friends. Bouquet- Live @ Milk Bar 9/22/2011Special - Live @ Milk Bar 9/22/2011New Counrty- Live @ Milk Bar 9/22/2011 |
*To help Donate to Eliquate please click on the Ads*
Kenny Loggins? (The Burning Man Story)
So the boys from Eliquate and myself recently hit the road for a few days of rest, relaxation, and quality entertainment provided by rock icon Kenny Loggins. Jamie had arrived early in order to procure better seats leaving Dan, Cosmo, Elliot and I to find out way to and navigate the 278 miles between Santa Cruz and Reno Nevada. We learned the hard way that the Nevada Bad Lands doesn’t exactly have the best cell service. As we drove aimlessly through the desert we discovered that not all the roads in Nevada are paved (an unfortunate lesson at 70mph.) It wasn’t long before their roadside predicament was kindly assisted by a caravan of other fellow Loggins enthusiasts, pulling campers and rv’s bearing the symbol of a man with his hands in the air, what we assumed to be rocking out to “I’m Alright!”
The gang with Fuzz.
After asking the caravan if they could help us find the show, they answered “follow us, this is the highway to the danger zone.” We knew we were in good shape. When we arrived at the concert I was blown away at how many people had shown up for the Loggins experience. We sat in line for 6 hours, and with each inch we were growing more and more anxious, particularly because this seemed to be the highest production show we have ever been prevue to. We finally arrived at the front gate and were greeted by two very enthusiastic ticket takers who welcomed us home and requested us to roll around in the dust, we obliged being that this was our first Loggins Concert. And entered the campgrounds covered in dust and giddy as children.
"Pass That" Jamie riding spy girl.
In my life, I have seen some very impressive things, or at least I had thought. As we past by camp after camp of elaborate art structures, neon lights, and painted private parts it became very apparent that we were not in Kansas anymore. It was 12:30pm Monday night when we pulled into the spot reserved by Jamie and our saviors/ good friends Fuzz Patrol. As soon as the car stopped the doors were flung open and Elliot took off running down the road like a puppy with ADD, and quickly realized that with no cell phone, and no sense of direction, 60,000 people covered in blinking lights accompanied by hundreds of multistoried art cars blaring what sounded like a mixture of forks in a disposal, and a prehistoric lazer battle, can be a bit disorienting. Lucky for him Fuzz Parole had spared no expense in making their camp very easy to find, and the band members were all soon reacquainted, and ready to explore this wonderland of visceral experience and intangible expression.
A noble endeavor.
What felt like 20 minutes later the sun was rising and the reality of camp became focal. Sleep was brief as the mixture of an uncovered plastic tent and the Nevada Desert sun made an instant alarm clock that could not be avoided at roughly 7:45 am. Not unfamiliar with these types of performance circumstances, the boys from Eliquate were rested and ready for some adventure. They had been informed that they could play a show at the Center Camp if they so desired, and of course they agreed. Arriving at the show it had dawned on them that they had forgotten a very key piece to the live performance, drum set and amplifiers. So again lessons were learned as it was revealed that it is NOT, in fact, ok to dive a truck through the center of camp on unmarked roads. As Dan attempted to convince the officer that his truck was an ironic art car (a statement about non- conformity,) the crowd was growing impatient.
Live at Center Camp.
With Jamie and Dan unavoidably detained, Cosmo and Elliot we’re forced to start the show without them. This however proved to be to their benefit as members of the band that played one set prior, Antioquia, joined the two for an epic improvisational performance only made more dramatic by the fashionably late arrival of the other two band members. From then on it was a good old fashion Eliquate show, well minus Tanner and our normal equipment, so in a way it really did feel like an OLD fashion Eliquate show. Never being a group to scorn the enthused feeling of playing a gritty show on shitty equipment and a pit of alkali dust, the group was revitalized and youthful and ready for the insanity that was sure to come. They finished the night with a one time only David Starfire Concert.
After going to bed at reasonable hour, the gang saddled up and struck out to explore the city. It wasn’t long before the realities of the Nevada desert set in and hydration and shelter became a necessity. The first Mojito bar they stumbled upon happened to be a wise choice as the band that was booked to play at the time was minus one bass player. Cosmo, having capable hands, enthusiastically jumped on the opportunity to fill in, and the 4 of us sat and sipped mojitos in the shade, listening to our good friend proving to a group of fifty plus year olds that he was in fact drunk, and he did in fact know exactly what he was doing.
Fuzz Patrol At Large.
Rounding off the day back at camp the crew got ready for their next performance endeavor. The idea was that they were going to be playing on a moving art car know as the Nautilus. (I feel like I should explain what an art car is to anyone who has never been a part of such a function that art car may be present. An art car is a car that is altered into a representation of the synapses of the creator, or rather whatever the fuck the driver wants to parade across the flat surface of the playa.) When the ship arrived, the boys and I were greeted by the friendliest crew this side of the seven seas, I mean like, REALLY friendly. The “venue” was the accordion pivot point of a double bus that was literally rotating every time the bus would make a turn. This however did not hinder the boy’s ability to rock out, nor the bus patrons need to get down. This created a bouncing effect that made the whole show seems all the more riotous, and the gang was dropped off feeling exhausted yet victorious. This marked their longest and most trying set to date, four hours of playing on an exhaust and dust filled moving vehicle, with a rotating crowd ranging from two to forty plus of brand new listeners. They were rewarded, however, by good friends, Jack Daniels, red bull, and another one time only David Starfire concert.
Eliquate Live with Antioquia, featuring dust.
Though the mornings were brutal it was still nice to be up by a reasonable hour, and able to get lost in the chaos before lunchtime. I would spend more of this narrative describing to you some of the amazing sights and wonders the city had to offer but I am sure anyone who hasn’t been has a friend, or rather, a group of friends that will not hesitate to try to recreate the experience for you, weather provoked or not. And if you have been there my description would be useless because everyone sees things differently, and well, you have been there. So as cliché as it sounds and as much as a hate myself for writing this right now I guess the best I can say is, I guess you had to be there.
Lost in the dust, the gang stumbles on a sacred tribute to the king of movie soundtracks
The show Thursday night was yet again another new experience as they played to the open playa (also known as the esplanade) to a crowd that had no restriction to the angles or contortions they found their bodies making. Needless to say, it was a blast. The show culminated with Elliot leading a crowd into a dust circle, then the boys all joined the crowd for a group hug in true Kenny Loggins concert fashion, and sung the last la da da’s of Family Unit in unison. After their work was done it was off to Fractal Nation for a blessing from Beats Antique, with special guest… David Starfire.
a quiet night on the playa.
By Friday, the boys were beginning to feel the abuse they had done to their bodies, it was necessary to rest and get ready their final show of the week. Knowing they would have the next two days off, it was imperative that they gave every last ounce of effort they had left to make this show worthy of missing the David Starfire concert going on two camps down. It was also an important show because it was on our home turf, Fuzz Patrol, and in order to show their gratitude for their generosity, and fired up from watching a 100ft wooden horse get burned down by flaming arrows, they gave it everything they had. Turns out they had a little bit left as we struck out across the playa for yet another adventure. We had agreed we would be diligent about staying together as a group, and within fifteen steps we had lost Cosmo. I can’t honestly say I recall everything that happened to us that night, something about a giant moving boom box, people breathing fire, champagne bottles, and a twenty-foot high trampoline. However concern was growing as the sun was rising and there was still no sign of Cosmo. Dan assured us that we had nothing to worry about, any minute now Cosmo would come walking around the corner with a big grin on his face. Sure enough, no sooner then Dan had finished his sentence, Cosmo came sauntering around the corner, face covered in dust and a smile, hair pushed back by wind. As he sat and told us tails of pirate ships, and drinking contests with a dwarf dressed like a Sherpa, arm wrestling a guy he thought was bass nectar but turned out to just be David Starfire, and a giant penguin named pinky who told him the secrete to telekinesis, he resembled a wise old traveler from the grey he had accumulated due to the amount of dust that had culminated in his hair.
The Schnetz
Saturday was spent getting ready for the main event, Kenny Loggins. After a short bike ride to the center of city they were they came upon a massive statue of the man, rocking out to “I’m Alright,” awaiting its incineration. We sat in awe as the humungous structure spat flames hundreds of feet into the sky. An expression of mankind’s potential for utopia, and absolution of the guilt and evil we assume to be human nature. It was such a spectacle we didn’t even notice that we missed the Kenny Loggins concert. The rest of the night much resembled riding a rollercoaster through a super saiyan battle, wile the track lined the inside of a giant subwoofer, all infused with neon glow sticks… and David Starfire.
What initially started as a restful weekend, turned out to be one of the most profound and intriguing experiences of our lives. We can honesty say it was one of the realest experiences we have ever had, and when next year rolls around you will definitely find Eliquate rocking in the dust of the Nevada desert. Much thanks to Fuzz Patrol, MFC, and David Starfire for helping the week be what it was. And although we never ended up seeing Mr. Loggins, we can honestly say his concert was something no one should miss.
*To help Donate to Eliquate please click on the Ads*
Lyrics! Lyrics! Lyrics! by elliot.
The 90’s
I swear to god we would have made it in the 90’s
90 percent of everything comes down to timing
With time I find that everything is rewinding
Trying to find a real reason and it spites me
Everything has changed and fame is unlikely
Name sake is saved by not grabbing a mic see
I suggest you stay indoors, live life politely
Get a job cleaning floors in spite of what you might think
The jig is up, it’s over the party has gotten sober
The days of overnight fame have long since been over
And there ain’t enough butter to cover all of this toast
And to spite MySpace hits there is no reason to boast
Because my ass will be lucky to get half of a coast
To invest in something that comes a dime a dozen at most
But don’t get discouraged because courage is born of hope
Hope is a masochistic wish I wish to choke
As I swallow my pride to clear it from my throat
The eight year mistake and the Y2K hoax
Give me cereal and cartoons
Hearts stars and horseshoes
Believable commercials
Everyone to report to
Back when it was worth it to listen to the words, shit
Everyone had a meaning and everyone had a purpose
I know it’s cliché to say back in the day
Because back in the day things were basically the same
Well, styles have surely changed and everyone has a rapper name
Someone please tell me, who the fuck is Eliquate.
And it’s hilarious the way we let aesthetics embarrass us
Though carelessly prepared to compare yourself to America
Fair enough, it’s American beauty that keeps tearing up
That feeling in your stomach conceal it you grin and bear it but
This nation of distracted reactionary explorers
Put hooks in the mouths of the rest of us to raise the corners
So much effort on the part of our employers
but happiness doesn’t come with flags freedom or borders
it’s not an abstraction of literary theory
It’s seemingly haphazard’s, bitter, and yet endearing
It’s succeeding when others out of fear said you would fail
It’s getting off Scott free, volunteering for jail
If doing the right thing is only a selfish act,
Then put good into this world, good feelings will hit you back
Laugh at yourself when nobody is around,
not to shelter your embarrassment but prove that you are proud
pride is only a sin if it’s holier than thou
how art thy nature if the tree don’t make a sound?
down to the last drop, we think that it’s our age
are we really given happiness or simply entertained
words written in cursive like letters onto our friends
we see the seat of sadness and happiness make amends
lend subtle direction; it’s a charity to them
bend down, may I have another given all the trends
we pack it up and then present it as Zen,
then pretend that we didn’t do this shit for our friends
those of us who earn it make it worth it in the end
because there is no such thing as perfect
but it’s worth it to pretend.
The answers are meaningless unless you know the Questions
Questions are means to which we live our lives to guess them
Guess is the best we can do to find the Message
Message is the point inside of words that make Connections
Connections will occur once we prove something is fresh
Fresh is an idea that breaks away from all impression
Impression is a tool profoundly used in all deception
Deception is a tool profoundly used to skew perspective
Perspective is the view to which we analyze the lessons
Lessons are obtuse unless they can be second guessed and
And is to include all the lessons that we let stand
Stand is what we do against oppression of the left hand
Hand is what we lack to extend to our fellow man
Man is the extent of our “soul” doing what it can
Can, is optimistic, can, can also be dismissive
Dismissive is the attitude of radicals who fail to listen
Listen to sabbaticals in catacombs of those enlisted
Enlisted is the status of the anguished who can see the sickle
Sickle can establish that the grim reaper is never fickle
Fickle is the pattern of the cabinet’s extensive ripple
The questions are meaningless unless you know the answers
Answers preceded us, greed, lust, and cancer
Cancer is meaningless when thinking like romantics
Romantic is a mind state that beats being frantic
Frantic is the manner that we greeted the Atlantic
Seated our advantage then proceeded with our antics
for the better of the colony, our policy, expand it
our policy is not to except what we’re handed
hand is what they gave us now we’re taking it for granted
granite is the stone that we set our semantics
semantics, that’s this poem that condones how we plan it
planet is the home that we roam and we’ve landed
land is an area of home when commanded
command is the brains to the bones to the canvass
Canvas is blank like the slate of my vantage
My vantage, my view, my opinion when candid.
The Answers irrelevant unless you know the questions
Questions are celibate examples of suggestions
Suggestion, make Eliquate the permanent profession
Professions are only worth it when they’re working towards perfection
Perfection is decided by dividing it in sections
Sections of populous that populate the records
Records will rotate this vocation network
Network abrasive because the way that I connect word
Words are like bullets without a gun they are useless
Useless like pulling that gun without the nerve to use it
So use it, because the words are the music
And music is the “sole” so never shall I abuse it.
in a galaxy not so far far away
a group of 6 kids I guess they could be called a gang
age range from about 5 going up to 8
4 of them were neighbors the other 2 shared the same name
on Saturdays and Sundays they would gather to play
their favorite game young explorers investigating the cave
where their parents couldn't find them didn't have to behave
the imaginations flying they were just acting their age
all the fighting at home had left need for escape
but they were not alone they had each other’s embrace
so they vowed to stick together no matter what folly came
weather sun was their endeavor or escape from falling rain
It didn't make a difference as long as they all showed up
they had no plan or mission just ambition for that whole stuck
in their own existence time wasn't moving slow enough
till that fateful day when the conflicts of grown ups
had showed us what happens when civilization blows up
the blast murked everything the surface ever know of
but lucky for the kids they were playing underneath it
thanks to their curiosity they discovered how deep it
goes that whole left six people breathing
on the whole planet no damage shows us the weakness
of bone tissue so misused gone there's no weeping
the innocent live on the rest of the world deceased its
their problem now.
After hours of playing with no sign of regrets
they climbed out of the cave the cave to find their parents silhouettes
painted on the walls this was not expected
but the fact is after all the adults had neglected
they were better off without them they decided and accepted
the fact they we're alone before reality had set in
the oldest of the group his name was Tommy he connected
that without his dad and mommy it was he that they respected
but that meant it was up to him to protect them
this responsibility was now on him and it reflected
the way the world was run but this was like a second
chance to advance our species like a next step
let’s let anarchy reign in the free world
test it out on this calamity we hurled
into the laps of the youngest generation
who had to adapt to this world they were placed in
Tommy did his best to maintain his patience
but children can be fussy when they're hungry and their wasting
away as their leader's only 8 already pacing
back and forth as the last resource was taken
made him wish he was back playing games in
his parents back yard but that world was forsaken
one by one so sick and emaciated
they turned on each other no brotherhood or relation
could keep them from feeding on each other or escaping
the fate that the rest of humanity embraced in
less than a week the last 6 that had lived
killed each other off when instinct kicked in
some would think it fate or simply just how it is
but they can’t be blamed cuz hell their just kids.
*To help Donate to Eliquate please click on the Ads*
*To help Donate to Eliquate please click on the Ads*
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